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Vickie Fremont

Citizen Workshops- Aretè Summer Bridge Arts Institute at MS223

The students who attended Aretè Summer Bridge Arts Institute at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology, MS223 were introduced to the Citizen Workshop. The workshop gave the students the space to explored and discuss climate change through art, their hands and creativity.

The course was a relationship between climate change and sustainability. The mission of the series of workshops and discussions was to shed light on some of the destructive objects in our environment and explore ways to open the mind of students.

The student focused on their community, ways to stay connected with other communities and countries, leading to a discussion on how we are all connected. Opening up the students creativity to dream big, travel and make a positive impact where they go allowed them to create amazing art works. The core message of the Citizen Workshop is, we are all citizen of the world, one force and movement, consciously loving and protecting the planet benefits us all.

Our hands as tools: Skills we need to know in order to build a clean world include cutting, sewing, knitting and crocheting.

ARETE 6 graders students’ art medias:

  • Created and decorated paper Mache masks

  • Made jewelry and mobiles with CD’s

  • Created people from around the world by using wire hangers and fabrics

  • Created collages inspired by Henri Matisse Cut-Outs

  • Sewed bags and crocheted the handle of their bags

We took tours of several New York museums (MoMa, The Museum of Natural History, The African Burial Ground National Monument). The students also went to see Matilda on Broadway. Some students learn how to play musical instruments (violin, saxo, guitar…) make movies, dance Hip Hop and Yoga.

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