The current UN climate change conference COP21 in Paris, France have world leaders scambling to agree on several important enviormental
solutions. At the conference clean energy , climate crisis are just a few of the topics discussed to bring us closer to a safe and sustainable world. What the leader don't seem to understand is that the future of life is at stake, planet earth will remain and some how nature will out live all of us. Diplomats and delegates have a 48 page drafted, a new global pact that for the first time commit nearly every country on earth to enact new policies to reduce planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. We need to also cap global warmint at 1.5 degrees Celsius, because as they meet the polar ice cap continue to melt, laying out the urgency to shift away from fossil fuels and committe to Green Energy. The failure to come to a global agreement will impact the planet for us and future generations.