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Letter from Maldivians Students

Vickie Fremont

We are Natharaa, Nooraan Mikail, Alyan, Ahil, Brooklynn, Yara, Jidhaah, Azyan, Izha and Alisha and we are 12 years old.

We live in the Maldivian capital, Male.

6B student and our school is Ghiyasuddin International School.

We love to study French.

Azyan and Jidhaadh:

"The community in which we live is not aware about the pollution of the environment and we are very concerned about this.

If we could, we would organize clean up programs in the islands of our country.

We should also look for ways to clean the sea by extracting the garbage.

We really want to get our government action to find a good idea to solve this problem.

Thank you"


"The pollution should be illegal.

It's not just for the environment.

It is about our future.

We should prevent pollution rather than create it. "


"Our country is in major danger! And all it is happening because of plastic.

We should collect all the plastic and recycled to create new objects.

We should stop marine pollution, otherwise our beautiful coral and fishes will die. "


"To save our country, we must use the 3R: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse.

The ocean represents 99% of our country.

People throw their trash in the ocean. It becomes polluted. Soon we will have acid rain.

My solution would be to make them useful waste

Izha and Aishath:

"The pollution in the Maldives is becoming worse and worse

Some Maldivians are just too lazy to put their waste in authorized public bins.

In fact, they throw their garbage anywhere and they do not care that it affects the environment.

The only solution to solve this problem is to charge a fee if people throw waste in unauthorized places. "


In our opinion, the Maldives Environmental pollution is very bad. We must do our best save fish and birds, the species that live only in the Maldives.


Class 6B


© 2020 by Vickie Frémont

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